ISSN 2409-7616

A. Pinchuk, D. Tikhomirov


Antonina N. Pinchuk – Candidate of Sociological sciences, Researcher, Institute of Socio-Рolitical Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia, Moscow), E-mail:

Dmitry A. Tikhomirov – Candidate of Sociology, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science and Sociology, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (Russia, Moscow), E-mail:

Abstract. The article actualizes the need to study the phenomenon of corruption at the level of subjective perception in the context of the development of anti-corruption education of modern young people. Basing on sociological theories, we consider the construction of deviance of corruption in the aspect of legal and everyday discourses, and comprehend the danger of their mismatch in the development of intolerant attitude to corruption in society. In order to study the perception of corruption by students of modern universities in 2018, the authors conducted a sociological study using the method of incomplete sentences, which allows to identify in the minds of respondents the structure of the image of the phenomenon under study and the corresponding personal constructs. Reconstruction of the image of the social phenomenon of corruption in the minds of young people surveyed reflected a fragmentary picture that combines both negative and positive aspects of perception. The core of social perceptions of corruption is the negative consequences of corruption, localized mainly at the macro level, as well as corruption practices and negative aspects of corruption interaction. At the same time, among the essential characteristics of corruption were identified positive aspects that actualize the possible personal benefits. The functional component revealed on the periphery of social representations about corruption supplements the developed picture with possible zones of legitimate perception. The results of the study will be used in the further study of the development of anti-corruption education.

Keywords: corruption, construction of deviance, anti-corruption education, students, the method of incomplete sentences.



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