ISSN 2409-7616

N. Nevskaya


Natalia A. Nevskaya – candidate of economics sciences, associate professor, leading researcher of the department of economic research Institute of Europe of RAS (Russia, Moscow), SPIN-code: 3745-2541 / ORCID:0000-0002-2344-0549. E-mail:

 Abstract. The subject and purpose of the article. The article discusses the main directions of the new industrial policy of France. The purpose of the article is to review the regulatory impact on the development of French industry based on regulatory acts to assess the conditions for applying positive experience in the market conditions. Methods and methodology.  The paper uses a systematic approach, methods of analysis and synthesis. In particular, the article presents an analysis of regulatory acts governing economic development and presents an analysis of macroeconomic data and indicators because of the controlling impact on the industry. Results. The article describes the system of regulatory acts of industrial policy – New Industrial France (La Nouvelle France industrielle). The paper analyzed the content of the “Industry of the Future” review. The main results of the economic support of industrial enterprises were identified. The main designs for stimulating industries in accordance with the stated priorities were identified. The importance of industry in the dynamics of macroeconomic indicators of France is shown. Application area. The paper considers the system of regulation and support of industry in the changed conditions of foreign trade. The main directions of the formation of new markets. Conclusion. The paper discussed the areas of effective regulation of economy for French industry, the importance of international trade; promote excellence in fundamental research, technology transfer and industrial innovation, growth of labor productivity per worker in the economy, cooperation and interaction, growth of employment and income in industry. As part of globalization, successful experience in supporting industrial enterprises can be applied in the realities of the domestic economy in shaping the architecture of the digital economy.

Keywords: Industrial policy, Digital Economy Strategy, New Industrial France (NFI, La Nouvelle France Industrielle), Industry of the Future (IdF, Industrie du Futur),  Industry of the Future Alliance (IdFA, Alliance Industrie du Futur), New market, The Great Investment Plan 2018-2022 (Le Grand plan d’investissement 2018-2022).



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