I. Magomedov, K. Khanmurzaev
Islam A. Magomedov – lecturer of faculty of information technology Chechen State University (Russia, Grozny), E-mail: ismwork@mail.ru
Khanmurza E. Khanmurzaev – student of the Faculty of Information Technology Chechen State University (Russia, Grozny), E-mail: xan95095@mail.ru
Abstract. This article defines what digital marketing is and how it differs from traditional marketing. The paper also describes the impact of digital technologies on the level of economic development of society, provides methods for developing and promoting online platforms that lead to the transition to a digital economy. The technologies of website development as the main tools for the digital economy are studied, since website creation is an opportunity to declare your company presentably, promote products and services on the Internet, significantly increase customer inflows and expand the market range, and as a result increase your income companies with minimal costs.
Keywords: digital economy, website development, web design, e-commerce, website promotion.
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