ISSN 2409-7616

O. Kovtun, D. Popov


Olga I. Kovtun – PhD in History, Associate Professor, Department of Economic Theory, Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management (Russia, Novosibirsk), E-mail:

DmitryA. Popov – Student of the public sector faculty of the Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management (Russia, Novosibirsk), E-mail:

Abstract. This article is devoted to the problems and specifics of Kazakh-Russian relations in the trade and economic sphere. The reasons for economic cooperation between countries in a historical retrospective are identified and analyzed, based on the source of bilateral cooperation between Russia and Kazakhstan, as well as multilateral interaction through the participation of the countries studied in international regional organizations – EurAsEC, the EAEU Customs Union and SCO. The authors pay attention the influence of non-regional factors on the specifics of relations between the countries, as Russian-Kazakh relations do not develop in a vacuum, and in addition to Russia, the world’s largest economies, primarily China, show a real interest in cooperation with Kazakhstan. Based on the study of statistical data on commodity turnover between Russia and Kazakhstan, the authors analyze the current trends in economic cooperation between countries and try to explain these trends. Also, in the course of the analysis of international agreements in which the Republic of Kazakhstan is directly involved, trends were revealed that show the mutual dependence of the Kazakh and Russian economies.

Keywords: trade and economic cooperation, investment, international organizations, turnover.



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