A. Kostikova, A. Ivanov,
Arina V. Kostikova – graduate student of the 2nd year of the Moscow City Pedagogical University (Russia, Moscow), E-mail: aivanov7@rambler.ru
Alexander V. Ivanov – professor of the Department of pedagogical, age and social psychology, Institute of psychology, sociology and social relations, Moscow city pedagogical University (Russia, Moscow), SPIN-код: 2422-2873, E-mail: aivanov7@rambler.ru
Abstract. The article reveals the relevance of the problem of career guidance work of deviant adolescents, provides an overview of research in domestic and foreign science on this problem, the content of correctional and developmental programs to help deviant adolescents in professional self-determination, its main blocks, forms and methods of work. As a result of testing the program of assistance to deviant adolescents in professional self-determination, it was possible to ensure the development of positively oriented life plans and professional intentions; increase the degree of consciousness and discipline in relation to educational activities; increase the level of development of useful knowledge, skills, abilities (sports, labor, technical, creative, etc.), useful interests. And also to ensure the development of collectivist manifestations, the ability to reckon with collective interests, respect the norms of collective life; evaluate the actions of others, friends, peers, classmates; analyze your actions; to form an attentive, sensitive attitude to others; to form the ability for empathy, empathy; develop volitional qualities, make decisions and overcome difficulties in their implementation; learn etiquette standards of behavior (smart appearance, accuracy, culture of speech, politeness).
Keywords: adolescents-deviants, professional self-determination, career guidance games, training sessions.
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