M. Khadzhiev, L. Batukaeva, K. Turshieva
Marat R. Khadzhiev – Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate Professor of Finance and credit Chechen State University (Russia, Grozny), RSCI SPIN-code: 8445-6638 / ORCID: 0000-0002-6975-368X, E-mail: marat99@gmail.com
Luiza S. Batukaeva – student of the Institute of Economics and Finance Chechen State University (Russia, Grozny), E-mail: luizaviolet@bk.ru
Karina T. Turshieva – student of the Institute of Economics and Finance Chechen State University (Russia, Grozny), E-mail: kturshieva@bk.ru
Abstract. This article is devoted to the potential perspective of the evolution of monetary policy in connection with the emergence and development of digital currencies as an evolutionary stage in the development of the international financial system. The relevance and development and application of digital currencies were significantly stimulated not only by long-term, but also by the current problems of the financial system. It is concluded that the existing system of money transfers is outdated and clearly needed innovation. In other words, the world’s money began to insufficiently perform one of its main functions – to be effective means of payment.
Keywords: bitcoin, blockchain, currency relations, monetary policy, money, gold, cryptocurrency, international payment system, financial system, money emission.
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