G. Bibarsova, S. Mishina, R. Shalakhin, O. Ulyanova
Gulnara Sh. Bibarsova – candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor of humanitarian and social and economic disciplines of Military academy of communication of Marshall of the Soviet Union of S.M. Budenny (Russia, St. Petersburg), E-mail: bgsh2@rambler.ru
Svetlana Y. Mishina – candidate of military sciences, senior teacher of department of humanitarian and social and economic disciplines of Military academy of communication of Marshall of the Soviet Union of S.M. Budenny (Russia, St. Petersburg), E-mail: svetlana-mishina@bk.ru
Roman A. Shalakhin – сandidate of pedagogical sciences, senior researcher of the department (military medical information) of the department (organization of scientific work and training of scientific and pedagogical personnel) of the Military Medical Academy named after S.M. Kirov (Russia, St. Petersburg), E-mail: ShalakhinRoman@yandex.ru
Olga A. Ulyanova – teacher of department of humanitarian and social and economic disciplines of Military academy of communication of Marshall of the Soviet Union of S.M. Budenny (Russia, St. Petersburg), E-mail: ulyanovaolga.81@mail.ru
Abstract. In this article, the object of consideration is the topic of civil law education of students – one of the most complex and demanding significant efforts from the whole pedagogical team of educational work in high school. The authors associate success in this activity with the choice of the strategy of the organization of the educational process, its scientific and methodological support, and the systemic nature of all levels of educational activities. The work highlights three features of Russian citizenship, and emphasizes that the patriotic idea should be its core. The authors show the reasons that negatively affect the formation of civil-patriotic and legal consciousness, and also set forth the task of minimizing the impact of adverse social factors opposing patriotic education. Another task put forward by the authors is the development and use of new forms and methods of education, taking into account the mentality of young people. The authors note the need to form civil law competencies, including students in socially significant activities, and shifting the emphasis to active forms of extracurricular work.
Keywords: citizen, civic consciousness, patriotism, sense of justice, social activity, civil maturity.
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