R. Kuznetsov, L. Kolomiychenko
Roman A. Kuznetsov – Adjunct of Perm military institute of troops of the national guard of the Russian Federation (Russia, Perm), E-mail: roman84sar@mail.ru
Lyudmila V. Kolomiychenko – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the DepartmentPerm military institute of troops of the national guard of the Russian (Russia, Perm), E-mail: lvk_pspu@rambler.ru
Abstract. This article analyzes the values and value orientations of the individual. Substantiations of the need for their formation are presented. The mechanisms and attitudes of the formation of value orientations as the basis for the formation of personality, the substantial components of the basic culture of the individual are considered. The authors disclose the fundamental basic national values, the species diversity of the systems of value orientations and values at the present stage of development of psychological and pedagogical science. Special attention is paid to understanding the essence of values, value orientations of their species diversity, the processes of development and formation. The definitions and characteristic features of values and orientations are given. The publication substantiates the impact of value orientations on the formation of the basic culture of the individual. The influence of the formation of value orientations on the position of the individual in modern society is also considered.
Keywords: value, value orientation, formation, development.
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