ISSN 2409-7616

A. Bykov


Anatoly K. Bykov – doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Deputy Vice-Rector for Additional Professional Education, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (Russia, Moscow), SPIN-код: 1838-6360; E-mail:

Abstract.  In the article, the technology of development of pedagogical mastery is understood as a scientifically organized procedure for mastering a university teacher with special psychological and pedagogical knowledge and pedagogical techniques, in which a complex of interrelations between their goals, content, methods, means, and forms is designed and implemented. development, monitoring, evaluation and correction of this process. From the standpoint of psychological and pedagogical mechanisms for the development of pedagogical skills, the path from knowledge of a particular pedagogical reception to complex (generalized) skills and abilities, professional competencies consists of two stages. At the first stage, the teacher masters specific knowledge, transforms them in his mind into methods of pedagogical techniques and, through regular exercises and trainings, forms simple skills and abilities to use these techniques. At the second stage, the teacher works on the formation and improvement of complex pedagogical skills and abilities, while the center of the teacher’s work is not a method, but a set of methods in the context of analyzing pedagogical situations and solving pedagogical problems. Pedagogical multilevel technology development of pedagogical skills requires in general a complex organization of the whole special and professional-pedagogical training of teachers, which would provide an interface in the formation and improvement of knowledge, skills and abilities of the teacher. The technology of development of individual pedagogical skills of teachers is realized in two organizational forms: through collective learning to the components (basics) of pedagogical mastery and through pedagogical self-development.

Keywords: pedagogical mastery, pedagogical activity, quality of pedagogical activity, pedagogical skill, pedagogical skill, teacher, organization of higher education, professional standard «Teacher of vocational training, vocational education and additional vocational education».



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