M. Vdovichenko, F. Sobolev
Maria M. Vdovichenko – Assistant of the Department of Innovative Entrepreneurship, Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Russia, Moscow), E-mail: marya.vdowichenko@yandex.ru
Fedor D. Sobolev – Student of the Department of Innovative Entrepreneurship, MGTU them. N.E. Baumana (Russia, Moscow), E-mail: fdsoboleff@yandex.ru
Abstract. The article contains market analysis of global and Russia’s markets of Unified threat management (UTM-device) as segments of information security systems market. The aim of the analysis is to determine the state of the markets in 2018 and features of Russia’s market in order to understand what steps should Russia’s segment’s players make to improve their positions in the Market. The dynamic of market size and changings of market structure were considered within the compass of global UTM market analysis. The most important features of the Market and the pool of main factors, which inhibits its development, were described within the scope of Russia’s market. As a conclusion the author determines the need of high-class but universal information security device which can defend informational systems from increasing threats. The author also gives recommendations for Russian UTM producers how to use the current state of the Market to succeed.
Keywords: Unified threat management, UTM, global UTM marker, Russia’s UTM market.
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