L. Bronnikova
Larisa M. Bronnikova – Ph. D, candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor of mathematical analysis and applied mathematics Altai state pedagogical university (Russia, Barnaul), RSCI SPIN-code: 1579-6343, E-mail: bronnikova_laris@mail.ru
Abstract. The subject of this research is the critical thinking of students. The article substantiates the relevance of the problem of developing the critical thinking of students in modern pedagogical science. A brief retrospective analysis of the emergence and development of ideas of a critical thinking style of students in foreign and domestic psychological and pedagogical science (secondary and higher education) has been carried out. As one of the ways to solve this problem in higher education, the author proposes to use the identified methodological conditions for the development of critical thinking of students, based on the competence approach. Each of the proposed conditions is theoretically substantiated and illustrated by examples from the mathematical courses of the university program. Much attention is paid by the author to the task material aimed at the formation and development of critical thinking of students: the types of tasks are highlighted, the methodological aspects of working with them are affected. The goal of the research has been achieved, since the efficiency of using the identified methodological conditions in the educational process of the university has been confirmed by the experimental work carried out, the base of which was bachelor’s of pedagogical direction of the physical and mathematical profile. The results of experimental work are presented quantitatively and analyzed qualitatively. The stated scientific research can be useful for university teachers, school teachers, students of pedagogical universities.
Keyword: critical thinking, levels of development of critical thinking, methodical conditions of development of critical thinking, information culture of the student, competence-based approach.
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