A. Koshkin, Y. Davydova, T. Evseeva
Andrey P. Koshkin – doctor of political Sciences, head of the Department of political science and sociology Russian economic University by G. V. Plekhanov (Russia, Moscow), RISC-SPIN-code: 6111-0412, E-mail: 160957@mail.ru
Yuliya A. Davydova – candidate of historical Sciences, associate Professor of political science and sociology Russian economic University by G. V. Plekhanov (Russia, Moscow), RISC-SPIN-code: 2967-8794, E-mail: ylkadav@mail.ru
Tatiana N. Evseeva – Listener DPO Conflict Department of political science and sociology Russian economic University by G. V. Plekhanov (Russia, Moscow), E-mail: Ledirus@mail.ru
Abstract. The article analyzes the state of development of the sphere of intellectual property in Russia and the leading countries of the world, as well as the types of conflicts associated with the illegal and illegal use of intellectual property. The relevance of the fight against the illegal use of the results of intellectual property is due to the following reasons: in developed countries, the share of intangible assets (IP) in the formation of GDP is up to 30%, on the other hand, the loss of GDP from copyright infringement and counterfeit products reach 10%. According to official data of Rospatent, the turnover of all counterfeit products, including consumer goods, in the Russian market is 80-100 billion rubles per year, resulting in the economy is short of 1.5 million jobs, and the state budget – 30 billion rubles. WIPO statistics on world leaders in patenting in various industries and patent applications received by ten leading countries of the world. It is necessary to note Russia’s serious lag in this area, the main reasons preventing Russia from making a breakthrough in this direction are listed. The main sections of the Russian legislation regulating the development and use of intellectual property are considered. The law on mediation procedure and difference of mediation procedure from judicial proceedings is considered in detail. The reasons for the widespread use of mediation in the resolution of conflicts in the field of intellectual property are identified. The statistics of conflict situations of violations of rights on IP objects in the EEU among the major violations include: 1) violation of competition rules; 2) an administrative offence; 3) criminal offences; 4) suspend the release of goods. The results of the work of the Courts on intellectual property rights, provides statistics on the types of violations. The conclusions provide recommendations on expanding the possibilities of using mediation in resolving conflicts in the field of intellectual property.
Keywords: Intellectual property, WIPO, Rospatent, world leaders, patents, copyrights, counterfeit products, claims, conflicts, courts, mediation.
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