V. Belash
Victoria Y. Belash – senior lecturer of the Department of Informatics and information technologies, Kaluga state University n.a. K. E. Tsiolkovsky (Russian, Kaluga), E-mail: MininaVY@tksu.ru
Abstract. The article is devoted to elective courses in the system of specialized training, analysis of the Federal state educational standard of higher education taking into account professional standards in the direction of training “Pedagogical education”, on the basis of the results of which the special course for future teachers on the design and conduct of elective courses of economic and mathematical content is considered. The possibilities of using the distance learning system Moodle to solve educational problems on the formation of the readiness of future teachers to create and implement elective courses of economic and mathematical content.
Keywords: competence, specialized training, distance learning system, Federal state educational standard, economic and mathematical content, elective courses, Moodle.
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