M. Vdovichenko, A. Doroshenko
Maria M. Vdovichenko – Assistant of the Department of Innovative Entrepreneurship, Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Russia, Moscow), E-mail: marya.vdowichenko@yandex.ru
Anna N. Doroshenko – Student of the Department of Innovative Entrepreneurship, Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Russia, Moscow), E-mail: an.doroshenko2010@yandex.ru
Abstract. The article analyzes the global market for renewable energy sources (hereinafter referred to as RES), analyzes the dynamics of the market development by years, the dynamics of the installed capacity of RES. An analyst on the shares of renewable energy sources in the global production of electricity and on the power of solar energy and wind power is presented. Analyzed the key players in the market of renewable energy, their share of global capacity for several years. The analysis of the volume of investments in renewable energy is presented. Conclusions on the growth of renewable energy are made. This is especially observed in the growth of solar energy and in the continuing acceleration of the development of wind energy. An increasing number of countries support renewable energy. By 2023, it is expected that renewable energy sources will provide almost 30% of the world’s electricity demand.
Keywords: Renewable energy sources (RES), alternative energy, installed capacity, investment, energy supply, power generation.
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