T. Rostovskaya, M. Vartanova
Tamara K. Rostovskaya – Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor, Deputy Director of ISPI RAS for scientific work, Head of the Department of Social Pedagogyand organization of work with the youth of the Russian State Social University (Russia, Moscow), SPIN-код: 1129-8400 / ORCID ID 0000-0002-1629-7780, E-mail: rostovskaya.tamara@mail.ru
Marina L. Vartanova – candidate of economic Sciences, associate Professor, senior researcher of the center for the study of processes of Eurasian integration, head of the Department of doctoral and postgraduate studies of the Institute of social and political studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia, Moscow), E-mail: 11marina11@mail.ru
Abstract. The article examines the impact of globalization on the model of consumer loyalty, followed by the selection and organization of events that affect consumers of educational services. A conceptual approach to the study of the model of consumer loyalty to educational services in the context of the integration of educational processes under the influence of globalization factors, based on a systemic approach, has been developed. It is noted that increasing the usefulness of educational services helps to preserve and increase loyalty to educational organizations in the context of a globalizing educational space. The principle of dependence on the level of determination, consisting of macro-meso and micro levels, was taken as the basis for choosing loyalty factors. In the study, it was supplemented with a supranational (globalization) level. The necessity of introducing into the classification according to the principle of determination of a supranational level is explained by the ever-increasing influence of factors generated by the processes of globalization that have embraced almost all aspects of human activity, including its consumer behavior in the market of educational services. The latter, in turn, is covered by integration processes on a planetary scale.
Keywords: business education, higher education, globalization, integration of educational systems, mobility, educational services, consumer loyalty, human capital.
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