R. Khizbullina, I. Vildanov, L. Salemgarayeva, L. Shamsiakhmetova,
Rezeda Z. Khizbullina – candidate of pedagogic sciences, associate professor of physical geography, mapping and geodesy department, FSBEI of Higher Education “Bashkir State University” (Russia, Ufa), E-mail: hizbullina@yandex.ru
Ildar R. Vildanov – senior lector of physical geography, mapping and geodesy department, geography department FSBEI of Higher Education “Bashkir State University” (Russia, Ufa), E-mail: vildanov.89@mail.ru
Leysyan R. Salemgarayeva – student of geography department, «Mapping and Geoinformatics» specialization, FSBEI of Higher Education “Bashkir State University” (Russia, Ufa), E-mail: salemgaraeva.1@mail.ru
Liliya I. Shamsiakhmetova – student of geography department, «Mapping and Geoinformatics» specialization, FSBEI of Higher Education “Bashkir State University” (Russia, Ufa), E-mail: sham_lili@mail.ru
Abstract. The article notes that the use of maps is a necessity in the formation of geographical knowledge. Working with the map helps to raise the scientific level of teaching geography and allows you to strengthen the educational impact of learning. The formation of the ability to work with a geographical map has an impact on the overall development of students, as well as helps to improve such specific skills as the use of maps for practical purposes. The authors argue that the geographical map is a valuable tool to consolidate knowledge about ferrous and nonferrous metallurgy, as it organizes knowledge and facilitates their assimilation and memorization. For successful work with the map, each student must know its basic properties, content, purpose. The authors believe that the use of maps to study any topic in school geography helps not only the development of the content, it also activates the mental activity of children, provoking them to search for new and expressing their point of view. The article presents the data of a survey of students on the assessment of a number of maps used in modern textbooks of geography. The authors propose a version of the map on the peculiarities of the placement of ferrous and nonferrous metallurgy in the Republic of Bashkortostan. The map shows the centers of metallurgy, mineral deposits, tied to the administrative regions of the Republic.
Keywords: geographical Map, Ferrous and non-ferrous industry, mineral deposits of the Republic of Bashkortostan, Pedagogical value of working with a map, analysis of mapping data.
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