ISSN 2409-7616

A. Kapto


Alexander S. Kapto – doctor of philosophical science,Head of the UNESCO Department of Socialand Humanities at the Institute of Social and Political Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia, Moscow), AuthorID: 497722; E-mail:

 Abstract. The issue of this article is legal and educational activity of UNESCO concerning races and racial prejudice. There are characteristics of  “Agenda for action  and concrete strategies” for providing recommendations in this sphere. Historical experience in this issue is observed in context of modern problems of  ethnic processes.  The author believes that, despite the great efforts being made by the international community, all its structures and institutions to combat racism and other negative phenomena produced by it, the problems are acute for the XXI st century agenda, requiring targeted systemic actions. The use of positive experience in this matter should be combined with more effective efforts to integrate the intellectual, legal, humanitarian efforts of all the states of the world community, non-state bodies and associations, relevant international organizations, including the goodwill of all citizens of the planet Earth.

Keywords: racism, discrimination, racial prejudice, xenophobia, racial segregation, apartheid, tolerance, human rights, humanism.



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