V. Borkovskaya
Victoria G. Borkovskaya – PhD in Economics, Associated Professor, Complex Safety in Construction Department of National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (MGSU) (Russia, Moscow), SPIN-код: 8308-7202, E-mail: BorkovskayaVG@mgsu.ru
Abstract. The Science of management develops naturally through the development of any science – from simple to complex, from simple controllers to complex control systems of production, spacecraft, etc. Now the science of management came close to, perhaps, the most difficult task – the task of managing a person, a team, an enterprise, a society. The fact that a person, unlike any of the most complex technical system has the properties of activity, that is, has its own goals, far-sighted, to achieve its goals is able to distort the information transm-ittedmuyu control (able to cheat), and is able to consciously do not-complete the prescribed tasks (plans). The task of managing such active objects is the essence of the theory of active systems. This article briefly describes the stages of formation and development of the theory, the optimal tasks in the modern developing enterprise, including the technical and economic formulation of tasks and issues of optimal cost allocation between projects. In conclusion, it is concluded that the models and methods of management of organizational systems in the modern developing enterprise are used in solving a wide range of practical problems.
Keywords: project management, active systems, stochastic models, complex security.
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