D. Khristolyubova
Daria Y. Khristolyubova – candidate of pedagogical sciences, teacher Ryazan branch Higher School of Folk Arts (Academy) (Russia, Ryazan), SPIN-code: 4340-3637, E-mail: colorlace@mail.ru
Abstract. The educational environment is a prerequisite for the development of a creative personality. Regional and artistic-technological correlation with the place of existence of one or another kind of folk art is an important feature of its formation in the institutions of continuous professional education in the field of traditional applied art. The author of the article sets the task to assess the role of the educational environment in the Mariinka and Skopin lace-making schools, which worked in St. Petersburg and Skopin at the end of the 19th – the beginning of the 20th centuries. The methodology for creating an educational environment is developed in the lace-training workshops in the Ryazan branch of the Higher School of Folk Arts. The author concludes that an ideological environment with dogmatic elements is being formed in the academy. Through to this environment, students create art-projects within the framework of the established traditions of the lace-making art of the Ryazan region. The article highlighted the conditions for the design of the educational environment in the department of artistic lace-making. They determine the formation of professional competence of future artists.
Key words: educational environment, professional education, traditional applied art, art lacemaking, regional component.
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