ISSN 2409-7616

G. Gavrilov


German A. Gavrilov – First Deputy Director financial and economic resources management, SBGEI №1619 (Russia, Moscow), SPIN-code: 1394-3223, E-mail:

Abstarct. The article presents the essence of management consulting, the possibility of applying management consulting in the Russian Federation, the basic principles and features of consulting, as well as the features of consulting in the field of education. Defined the main goal using management consulting in the field of education – ؚan increase in the degree of autonomy of teachers, create skills to recognize and solve arising in professional activities tasks and complexity. The object of the councils in management activities themselves become obstacles on the way solving problems of pedagogical character.  The main character in pؚrotsesse application of management consulting – the development of the concept of positive “I”, study teaching staff independent decision-making and the ability to implement ؚreflection. The article reveals the process of management consulting, which takes place in 3 stages: organizational diagnostics, project modeling, implementation of changes.

Keywords: management consulting; strategy; education; consulting; educational consulting.



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