ISSN 2409-7616

L. Mardakhayev


Lev V. Mardakhayev – doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, professor of the Department of Social Pedagogy and the organization of work with youth Russian State Social University (Russia, Moscow), ORCID ID: 0000-0002-9654-9246, E-mail:

 Abstract. The article is devoted to the disclosure of the essence of professional identification of trainees in the process of their preparation at the university. An understanding of the concepts of identification, professional identification, professionally-oriented identification as a natural natural process of the corresponding identification of people in common conditions under the influence of common factors is given. The following expressions are identified and characterized: the professional identification of the student and the specialist; professional identification of the student, self-identification of a specialist, identification of a specialist, professional identification of a graduate and a specialist. The factors that significantly affect the process and the result of the professionally-oriented identification of students at the university are identified and characterized: the socio-cultural environment of the university; faculty of the faculty; trainees practice base; motivation and activity of trainees in mastering a profession. The qualitative characteristics of professionally-oriented identification of a person are identified and characterized: worldview; culture of professional behavior; social role situation; attitude to the world of things and phenomena; experience of action manifestation. Characterized by the relationship of professional-oriented identification, organizational culture and corporate culture.

Keywords: identification, professional identification, self-identification, identification, identification formation.



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