I. Zagoumennov
Iouri L. Zagoumennov – Ph.D., professor of department of management, accounting and finance, Minsk Branch of PRUE (Belarus, Minsk), RSCI SPIN-код: 1300-4030, E-mail: inedu@mail.ru
Abstract. The article discusses the concept of “inclusive education” in its broad sense, namely, as a positive reaction to the diversity of all students (not only with problems of psychophysical development) and the perception of their individual differences (mental, physical, social, economic, ethnic and other ) not as problems, but as opportunities to enrich the educational process and improve its quality. The emphasis is made on the social aspect of inclusion, i.e. on the fact that different students must learn to live together. The purpose of the work is to propose models of organization of educational process, providing both the quality of education and equality of opportunities in its receipt. The research method is a comparative analysis of domestic and foreign approaches, as well as conducting experimental work in educational institutions. As promising innovative models for the region to ensure the necessary balance of quality and equality in education, Dalton technology is proposed, the elements of which were tested at the beginning of the last century and multi-profile training, largely borrowed from foreign experience. The results of the study can be used in organization of educational process in secondary and higher schools.
Keywords: inclusive education, equality of opportunity, quality of education, Dalton-technology, multi-profile education model.
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