ISSN 2409-7616

V. Osipov


Vladimir S. Osipov – Doctor in Economics, Professor MGIMO University of Russia (Russia, Moscow), RSCI SPIN-code: 9357-6409 / ORCID 0000-0003-3109-4786 / SCOPUS 55974586900 / Researcher ID A-8098-2013; E-mail: vs.ossipov

Abstract. The purpose of the study was to assess the impact of the transition to a digital economy on the workforce. To achieve this goal, such methods as analysis, synthesis, comparison and modeling were used. Results: digital technologies are confidently entering the daily life of society and begin to displace living people from jobs, respectively, the question of employment of the released labor force is exacerbated, but there is no strategy for the adaptation of the unemployed today. The active and passive measures proposed by scientists and politicians to combat technological unemployment are ineffective and cannot provide for the livelihood of the huge number of released workers, the critical importance of which can lead to economic collapse. It turns out that the question of displacement of living people from jobs by it objects remains open. There is a fundamentally new question about the relationship between the digital and social economy. The calculations showed that the increase in unemployment by 1% leads to a decrease in GDP by 0.54%. The results obtained in the course of the study can be used in further studies of structural (technological) unemployment and labor market problems in the digital economy.

Keywords: digital economy, digitalization, structural unemployment, technological unemployment, employment, labor market, information technology



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