B. Dzusova
Bella T. Dzusova – candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor of the department of ossetia philology North Ossetian State Pedagogical Institute (Russia, Vladikavkaz), E-mail: dzhusoeva55@inbox.ru
Abstract. The problem of creating a unified educational environment in the modern pedagogical university is associated with the global informatization of the educational system as a whole, when students master the basic educational program based on traditional teaching methods and techniques is almost impossible. Only a detailed study of the capabilities of modern information technologies will create a unified educational environment, which, in turn, contributes to the systematic study of educational material in all disciplines. Creating a unified educational environment is especially important with the modern intensive development of information systems and information technologies, their active implementation in all spheres of human activity, including teaching. Students, future teachers, learn how to work with innovative electronic resources, information software systems, media products, etc. – the key to the success of their future professional activities in an ever-increasing competition in the labor market.
Keywords: common educational environment, education, information and communication technologies, competences of students – future teachers, professional activities.
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