ISSN 2409-7616

A. Egorychev, G. Rakisheva, A. Kretinin


Alexander M.  Egorychev – Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of the Department of Social Pedagogy and organization of work with youth, Russian State Social University (Russia, Moscow) ORCID ID:; SPIN code: 2557-4037; E-mail:

Gulmira M. Rakisheva – PhD student, 6D012300 – Social pedagogy and self-knowledge, Eurasian National Universitynamed L.N. Gumilyov (Astana, Kazakhstan), E-mail:

Alexander S. Kretinin – Chairman of the Board, General Director, Center for Innovative Technologies and Social Expertise, (Russia, Moscow), SPIN-code: 8090-6270; E-mail:

Annotation. The article presents the results of a scientific study devoted to identifying the possibilities of the education system in the formation of a new formation of a person who is to live and work in an open society; basic concepts of the study “trans culture”, “transcultural competence”, “transcultural competence of the future teacher” are subjected to thorough analysis, the author’s definitions of their essence and content are given. According to the authors, the modern education system in organizing its activities should rely on the training of teachers with a high level of transcultural competence. The target perspective for a transculturally competent teacher is not expressed in creating a single culture among its students, but in forming a creative and constructive platform for finding common collective forms of life, communication and interaction in the national society and the global educational space. There is a real need for a modern teacher to be professionally prepared for this, that is, to have transcultural competence, in order to build active sociocultural communication and interaction that provides a real productive dialogue with representatives of other cultures (ethnic groups, nations, nations). The authors are convinced that it is the education system that has all the possibilities for organizing an effective process of shaping and developing the outlook of students (pupils) with an active lifestyle, with a high level of culture of interethnic communication and interaction, ready to live and work in a multi-ethnic community, to preserve their national and civic identity.

Key words: educational space, national culture, modern teacher, trasculture, transcultural competence, transcultural competence of the future teacher.



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