D. Prikhodko
Dmitri V. Prikhodko – Master student of the Faculty of GRTSI Russian Plekhanov Economic University (Russia, Moscow) E-mail: dmitry.prikhodko71024@gmail.com
Abstract. The article presents a study of the economic and marketing attractiveness of stadiums built for the 2018 world Cup. The data of the cost of tickets for the world Cup, depending on the category of seats in the stands. In modern conditions, sport can be considered a sphere of business, and success in it, as in any commercial activity, largely depends on the financial position of the participants of the sports industry. Each sports facility needs funds for its development, most of which comes from the owner and sponsors. It analyzes the reasons why stadiums can be attractive to sponsors. Marketing strategies of pricing policy for different categories of football fans are considered. The comparative analysis of price and marketing policy for different football clubs is given. Based on the analysis of the marketing attractiveness of stadiums, research in this area, the author concludes which sports facilities of the 2018 world Cup will be of significant interest to future sponsors.
Keyword: sports, industry, price policy, attraction marketing, stadiums for the 2018 world Cup
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