ISSN 2409-7616

M. Romanova


Mariannа Romanova – Ph.D., associate professor, Plekhanov Russian University of Econoics,Department of Hospitality, Tourism and Sport Business, SPIN-код: 6387-6630, AuthorID: 642969, e-mail:, (Russia, Moscow)

Annotation.  The article deals with the main factors that have had a significant impact on the formation of the service sector.. It is noted that the growth of services gives additional impetus to the development of the country’s economy. The aim of the work is to analyze trends and patterns in the development of service activities. Methods: the study is based on retrospective and comparative analysis, methods of correlation and regression analysis.  Result: the study revealed the progress of structural changes in the world of services, the place of services in the economy, problems and trends in the development of paid services in Russia.

Key words: services, economic analysis paid services, structure services, criteria for the development.


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