S. Vasin, L. Gamidullaeva
Sergei Vasin – Dr., Professor of the Department “Economic theory and international relations”, vice-president for International Affairs, Penza State University, (Penza, Russia), SPIN-код: 1871-1835, ORCID: 0000-0002-0371-5517, e-mail: pspu-met@mail.ru,
Leyla Gamidullaeva – PhD, assistant professor of the Department “Management and ”, Penza State University, (Russia, Penza), SPIN-код: 2136-9154, ORCID: 0000-0003-30427550, e-mail: gamidullaeva@gmail.com
Abstract. Globalization of economics contributes to advancing innovative activity, developing inter-firm collaboration and network organizational structures, functional integration and cooperation inside firms, as well as with state and private laboratories, universities, to changing business models. In this article the authors research theoretical conceptual basis of regional innovative system under the conditions of the so-called “glocalization” of economics. The article presents evolution of network approach in the works of foreign authors. The subject of the research is the origin and development of regional approach to researching innovative processes. The functions of scientific cognition methods were performed by the methods of analysis, synthesis, comparative research, logical analysis, hypothesis generation, inductive and deductive analysis. The article reveals the causes of transition from the concept of national innovative system, which dominated for years in theory and practice of innovative activity, to the concept of regional innovative systems. It substantiates network approach to building regional innovative systems. The authors view on prerequisites of developing theory of regional innovative systems is formed, as well as advantages of considering and researching innovative processes at the regional level are substantiated.
Keywords: region, innovation, innovational system, network approach.
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