ISSN 2409-7616

R. Burganov


Rais Burganov – Doctor of Economics, Professor Department of Business Administration, Kazan State Power Engineering University, RSCI SPIN-код: 1143-2027, e-mail: (Russia, Kazan)

Abstract. The paper considers the problems of the reflection of energy use processes in the institutional theory of firms. The theoretical provisions on the contract system, ownership, tandem “principal-agent” are singled out. In the methodology of the study, a summary of the results of the author’s research, based on a survey of representatives of the energy business on the status of the main institutions of the electric power industry. According to the authors, on the side of the institutional theory, the interrelation between the national economy and electricity firms should be based on the institution of property, the creation of effective regulatory institutions, the interaction of transaction costs, the creation of joint organizational and managerial structures.

Keywords: theory of firms, institutionalism, institutions, energy consumption, energy efficiency.


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