M. Firsov, T. Yudina, A. Chernikova
Mikhail Firsov – professor, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Faculty of social work, Russian State Social University, (Russia, Moscow), e-mail: mihail_firsov@mail.ru
Tatiana Yudina – doctor of Sociology, professor, Russian State Social University, (Russia, Moscow), SPIN-код: e-mail: ioudinatn@mail.ru
Anna Chernikova – graduate student, Russian State Social Universitye, (Russia, Moscow), mail: aannyy@yandex.ru
Annotation. The formation of Russian modern theological cognition is implemented at a time when scientific and confessional schools have already developed in the world’s cognitive space.
Such schools worked out theological doctrines at the level of various scientific and spiritual paradigms for several centuries. The domestic formation of theology subject language takes place on the basis of spiritual and secular scientific schools, on the first scientific conferences of scholars and clergy. These and other trends determine the specific nature of institutionalization processes of Russian theological cognition. The author notes that theological cognition in Russia is looking for ways of integration with empirical knowledge. However, if Western theology on the way to the convergence of conceptual matrices seeks to overcome the challenges of post-modernism and deconstructionism, into which Western Christian theology has plunged, Russian Christian theology emerges from the “intellectual ghetto” in which it existed for decades. The modern process of formation of the Russian theological knowledge is, then, how in the world educational space developed scientific, religious schools, developing the theological doctrine at the level of different scientific and spiritual paradigms for several centuries. The domestic process of forming the subject of the language of theology begins to take shape on the basis of spiritual and secular scientific schools of the first scientific conferences of scientists and clergy. These and other trends determine the identity of the processes of institutionalization of Russian theological knowledge.
Keywords: theology, cultural encapsulation, deencapsulation, the principle of subsidiarity, discourse, paradigm, transversality.
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