S. Mudrova, E. Byrdenko
Svetlana Mudrova – candidate of economic Sciences, associate Professor the Department of political economy and history of economic science Of the REU them. G. V. Plekhanov, RISC-SPIN-code: 7714-3400, e-mail: mudrovas@bk.ru, (Russia, Moscow)
Elena Byrdenko – candidate of economic Sciences, associate Professor the Department of political economy and history of economic science Of the REU them. G. V. Plekhanov, RISC-SPIN-code: 7718-5637, e-mail: burdenko-ev@yandex.ru, (Russia, Moscow)
Abstract. The achievements of scientific and technological progress and the globalization of the world economy are placing new demands on the organization of research work in higher education, forms of interaction between government, universities and enterprises of various spheres of the economy. This paper studies the role of universities the key driving force of development and functioning of the national innovation system, as well as the analysis of the principles and terms of the evolution of modern economy of knowledge in Russia and abroad. For the understanding of the processes formulated principles for the development of the knowledge economy. Paid attention to the distinctive features of the knowledge economy. To evaluate the readiness of the economy to transition to a model of the knowledge economy reviewed the world Bank’s comprehensive approach in the framework of the special programme Knowledge for Development Program (K4D).
Key words: national innovation system, innovation process, knowledge economy, indices of the knowledge economy, Innovation index.
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