ISSN 2409-7616

E. Harlanova, N. Sivrikova, A. Bisembayeva, E. Moiseeva



Elena M. Harlanova – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Departmentof Social Work, Pedagogy and Psychology of the South Ural StateHumanitarian and Pedagogical University, Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation, ORCID:, E-mail:

Nadezhda V. Sivrikova – Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor  of Social Work, Pedagogy and Psychology of the South Ural State Humanitarian and Pedagogical University, Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation, ORCID:

Asem K. Bisembayeva – Senior Lecturer of the Department of Psychology and Defectology of Kostanay State Pedagogical University named after Umirzak Sultanazin, Kostanay, Kazakhstan, ORCID:, E-mail:

Elena V. Moiseeva – Senior Lecturer, Department of Social Work, Pedagogy and Psychology, South Ural State Humanitarian and Pedagogical University, Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation, ORCID:, E-mail:

Abstract. The article considers theoretical and practical aspects of the conflictological training of future teachers at the university from the perspective of a constructive pedagogical paradigm and subject-environment approach. The potential of non-formal education is revealed in increasing the effectiveness of students’ conflict resolution training, promoting the development of subjectivity and the conflict resolution position of students, the development of technologies and existing practices of conflict resolution activities, and the transformation of the conflict resolution environment. The methods of interaction between formal and non-formal education in the process of conflict management training of students of future teachers and the results of the study, which revealed insufficient satisfaction of students with conflict management training and a small coverage of students with non-formal education programs in this area, are presented. The formation of conflictological readiness as the deployment of subjectivity and the design and constructive participation of students in interaction with the conflict-generating environment actualizes the appeal to the introduction of future conflict management teachers into educational programs and the appeal to cooperation with non-formal education subjects as an important resource for improving conflict management training. The interaction of formal and non-formal education has the potential to improve the conflict management training of future teachers, however, its implementation requires focused activities to identify entities that implement non-formal education in the field of conflict management, discuss and identify the interests of the parties, determine forms of interaction, develop cooperation plans and conclude cooperation agreements, carrying out organizational, coordinating and reflective-analytical activities of the subjects formal education. On this basis, proposals were made on improving the conflict management training of future teachers.

Keywords: conflict preparation, conflict readiness, non-formal education, conflict environment.



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For citation:

Harlanova E.M., Sivrikova N.V., Bisembayeva A.K., Moiseeva E.V. The interaction of formal and non-formal education in the formation of conflictological readiness of future teachers. CITISE, 2019, no. 5, pp. 118-128. DOI: