ISSN 2409-7616

A. Egorychev, R. Kalimzhanova, A. Kretinin


Alexander M. Egorychev – Doctor of Philosophy, Professor at the Department of Social Pedagogy and Youth Organization, Russian State Social University (Russia, Moscow), ORCID ID: 0000-0002-7497-4508; SPIN code: 2557-4037; E-mail:

Roza L. Kalimzhanova Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Head of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Arkalyk State Pedagogical Institutethem. I. Altynsarin(Kazakhstan, Arkalyk), E-mail:

Alexander S. Kretinin – Chairman of the Board, General Director, Center for Innovative Technologies and Social Expertise, (Russia,  Moscow); SPIN code: 8090-6270; E-mail:

Annotation. The article reveals the questions relating to becoming a social teacher of speech culture in terms of information and communication technologies of the time. The authors believe that the true voice human culture involves a high level of development of its general culture, including culture, including a love of their native language. The pinnacle of speech culture of any people is his literary language, which contains and continue to accumulate cultural meanings and traditions of the people, achieving Masters words, poets and writers. It is the literary language, carefully stored, every people is resource and potential, which contributes, as further development of the national language, and its “moving mass. In this connection, the relevant social-pedagogical work on spiritual revival of the people, the development of moral principles and the adoption of moral guidance in the system of social relations of all institutions and structures the State and society. The authors argue that the spiritual and moral position of every citizen of the country, should become the basis of his behaviour and activities have a daily expression in the language, culture, communication, continuous improvement and self-development of his personality.

Keywords: verbal culture, social pedagogue, information and communication technology education, shared human culture, professional culture, love for the mother tongue.



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