ISSN 2409-7616

E. Mironova


Elizaveta Mironova – Graduate of the faculty ofof GRTSI, Russian Plekhanov Economic University (Russia, Moscow); E-mail:

Abstract. The purpose of the article is to analyze and compare two crowdfunding platforms (Russia) (Sports section) and MAKEACHAMP (Canada). Crowdfunding is a promising social technology of collective financing based on voluntary donations and donations. Modern crowdfunding in sports began to develop in 2012, when the majority of crowdfunding platforms specializing in sports projects appeared. Based on the comparative analysis, the advantages and disadvantages of each platform were identified, as well as recommendations were developed. As a result, we can say that the platform is now successfully developing -the largest Russian crowdfunding platform that accumulates funds for projects on various topics, including sports. The conclusions say that I comparative analysis of the two crowdfunding platforms on the selected characteristics showed that the canadian specialized platform for athletes offers better conditions for the collection of funds and it contributes to the successful completion of projects. This is also evidenced by the number of successfully completed projects.

Keywords: crowdfunding, sports, crowdfunding in sports, sports financing.



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