ISSN 2409-7616

V. Osipov


Vladimir S. Osipov – doctor in Economics, Professor of  Lomonosov Moscow State University, Market Economy Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, State scientific institution All-Russian institute of potato farming by A.G. Lorh, (Russia, Moscow), RSCI SPIN-code: 9357-6409; ORCID 0000-0003-3109-4786; SCOPUS 55974586900; Researcher ID A-8098-2013, e-mail: vs.ossipov

Abstract. The article attempts to search for dysfunctions in the implementation of institutional reforms in the agro-food sector of emerging markets. On the basis of institutional analysis, two directions of institutional reforms have been identified – the Pigouvian and the Coasian, – by the names of outstanding theorists of institutional science (A.Pigou and R.Coase). The distinction between these directions and possible directions of realization of directions in the agrarian sphere is shown. The problem of trust in the agrarian economy is revealed. The restoration of trust is shown as a fundamental problem in the implementation of institutional reforms in the agrarian sector of the emerging market. It is concluded that the undermining of trust should be punished by the exclusion of agricultural producers from the Union, the wide dissemination of information about his unfair behavior in the market and the risks of interaction with such an actor.   Financing of the article is carried out within the state task No. 0163-2017-0005 “Scientific and technological development of economy of the branch markets”.

Keywords: institutional reform, the Pigouvian and the Coasian direction of institutional reforms, trust, agrarian market, infrastructure.



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