ISSN 2409-7616

Y. Shimanovskaya


Yanina V. Shimanovskaya – candidate of sociological Sciences, docent, head of chair of social workes of the Russian state social University, (Russia, Moscow), SPIN-code: 6994-6579, e-mail:

Annotation.  The profound transformations of the 1990s had a profound impact on family life. The reforms carried out in the country have led to the disorganization of the lives of millions of families, the destruction of existing moral and ethical traditions and norms, the strengthening of conflict in intergenerational relations, the weakening of the educational potential of the family. The demographic potential of the village is dramatically reduced due to the” washout ” of young people from rural areas. Only 13.9% of respondents who leave for study and employment in the city would like to continue to live and work in rural areas. The author comes to the conclusion that one of the most important tasks of the state social policy in the interests of the village is the equalization of huge, today, differences in both the incomes of urban and rural residents, and in terms of employment, employment opportunities, social infrastructure; provision of minimum social guarantees that take into account the specifics of rural life, local conditions, which even within the same region (region, region) are very different. In practice, the opposite happens: the gap between town and country tends to grow, which has a direct impact on the formation of social and pedagogical potential.

Key word: rural family, social work, social protection, social support.



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