ISSN 2409-7616

N. Rogoten, M. Sapunova


Natalya Rogoten – Ph. D., associate Professor of the Department of social communication and organization of work with young people of the faculty of social communication, specialist in educational and methodical work of the faculty of social communication of the Moscow state psychological and pedagogical University, (Russia, Moscow), RSCI SPIN-code: 6422-5032, e-mail:

Marina Sapunova – The specialist on work with youth of Municipal budgetary institution of the city settlement Monino «Youth center «Wings», (Russia, Moscow region, p. Monino), e-mail:

Abstract. The development of ecological organizations is an important social phenomenon that has a huge impact on the health and quality of life. In recent years, there has been a tendency to intensify activities aimed at protecting the environment.Young people unite to support the environmental movement. Environmental measures are included in the plan of activities of youth centers and associations. Youth environmental organizations are expanding their activities, involving new members.

The characteristic features of the modern ecological movement are in the article. Based on a comparative analysis of the Charters of youth environmental organizations and reports on the activities of youth centers and youth associations in Moscow and the Moscow region, the main areas of their activities are identified. The results can be used to expand the scope of activities of youth environmental organizations and youth associations, as well as in analyzing the work carried out and planning environmental activities.

Keywords: ecological movement, youth ecological organizations, quality of life, environmental protection, environmental education.


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