ISSN 2409-7616

Z. Khatova


Zhanna Khatova – Candidate of Law, Associate Professor of the Institute branch management of the State University of Management, (Russia, Moscow) Spin code: 8947-4302; e-mail:

 Annotation. Children of immigrants are a special category of the population that require special control and attention because they have together with socialization in society is happening and adapting to a new culture, they combine and the culture of parents and fit into the new environment. The relevance of the research topic lies in the fact that in Russia not enough attention is paid to this population, because the future of our country depends on the younger generation, and depending on how many conditions will be created for the integration of immigrant children in our culture, how they will be provided with legal and economic guarantees from the state depends on their attitude to our country and their contribution to the development of Russia. Significant is the training of qualified specialists in working with migrant children. This requires the development of appropriate specialized programs for higher professional and additional education, the use of advanced methods and methods of teaching teachers and lawyers, Juvenalists. These measures will contribute to the effective adaptation of migrants in Russian society, which will undoubtedly affect the level of socio-political stability, and in general will ensure the national security of our country.

Keywords: guarantees of the rights of children, children of migrant adaptation and integration of immigrant children, immigration laws.


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