Кудрявцева О.М., Сотникова Е. Б.
Olga M. Kudryavtseva — candidate of pedagogical sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages and the Methods of their Teaching (Russia, Yelets), ORCID: 0000-0002-8386-0684, E-mail: omk.279@mail.ru
Elena B. Sotnikova — candidate of pedagogical sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Chemistry and Biology FSBI HE “Bunin Yelets State University” (Russia, Yelets), ORCID: 0000-0003-0867-9145, E-mail: sotnikovaeb@yandex.ru
Abstract. The article is dedicated to the problem of formation of a well-educated, competitive specialist with a high level of common cultural competencies. Various approaches of teachers and researchers to the concepts of «competence» and «competency» are demonstrated. The authors have given their own interpretation of the definition of “common cultural competence” and defined its components. A model of interrelated components of common cultural competence is proposed. The contradictions between the objective society’s need for specialists with a high level of competence and an ill-developed educational and methodological base on this problem are revealed. The stages of studying competence as a scientific and pedagogical category are described. The problems of vocational training and its role in the formation of the future teachers’ personality are considered. Such methods as questionnaires, testing and statistical processing of the results by the Fisher method are presented. These ones allow diagnosing the level of formation of common cultural competence among students of pedagogical direction. The results of the research have demonstrated the need for organizing andragogical interaction of teachers and students which contributes to the formation of common cultural competencies in an educational environment. The rationale for the need to design pedagogical methods to improve the level of common cultural competencies, socialization, competitiveness and professionalism of future teachers is given. The article can be useful for modeling a certain psychological, pedagogical and educational methodological educational environment aimed at the formation of students’ common cultural competencies to ensure the further development of teachers’ common professional competence.
Keywords: common cultural competencies, competence, common cultural and professional competence, students, culture, value orientations, pedagogical activity.
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