ISSN 2409-7616

Bakulina A.A., Kovtun N.V., Kostikova L.P.


UDC 378

Bakulina A.A.1 (Ryazan, Russian Federation) –; Kovtun N.V.1 (Ryazan, Russian Federation) –; Kostikova L.P.1,2 (Ryazan, Russian Federation) –

1Ryazan State University named after S. Yesenin

2Ryazan State Medical University named after academician I. P. Pavlov, Ministry of Healthcare of Russia

Abstract. In modern higher education, social project activities occupy an important place in the process of implementing the pedagogical approach of “teaching by service” at the university. The purpose of the study is to analyse the content of socially oriented projects and determine their role in shaping the pedagogical approach of “teaching by service”. The research is based on a project-based methodological approach, which, according to E. F. Zeer, considers design as a component of the content of education and as the basis of educational and professional activities of students. The research was based on the department of project and grant initiatives and scientific activities of Ryazan State University named after S. A. Yesenin, which acted as the organizer of two projects presented in the article: the project “Career Guidance Forum for youth with disabilities “Landmark” and “Intellectual and educational training “I invent”. The analysis of the content of the projects showed that under the guidance of experienced mentors, students who participated in the implementation of projects gained skills in interacting with various groups of students, assisted in the professional orientation of children, gained experience in pedagogical interaction with high school students. The pedagogical approach of “teaching by service” contributes to the development of the volunteer movement, the formation of a civic position, and the stimulation of responsibility and independence of young people. The theoretical significance of the work lies in enriching the theory of vocational education by means of organizing socially oriented projects, technology for carrying out project activities in the context of the pedagogical approach “teaching by service”. The practical significance is expressed in the possibility of applying the presented experience in organizing the work of students with children with special needs, with talented youth, in the practical training of future specialists in the process of their studies at the university.

Keywords: project activities, social projects, “service education”, professional orientation, children with disabilities, talented children.


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For citation: Bakulina A.A., Kovtun N.V., Kostikova L.P. Project activity of a social orientation: “Teaching by service”. CITISE, 2025, no. 1, pp. 73-85.