Varlamova E.Yu.
UDC 378.1
Varlamova E.Yu.1.2 (Moscow, Russian Federation) –
1Moscow Aviation Institute
2 Russian State University for the Humanities
Abstract. The article deals with the concept of “critical thinking” of students, in terms of the essence of the term, the structure and the content of it in teaching languages at university. The term of “critical thinking” has been considered as a developing phenomenon, shown by students as future professionals, on the basis of their Russian citizenship. The problem is urgent due to the contradiction between the need to train students, who should be critical in their assessing professional materials (including the materials in foreign languages) from the point of view of future Russian specialists, and the lack of educational efforts, taken for the purpose of supporting the civic qualities of students in their critical thinking in practices of Russian universities. The scientific work is aimed at determining directions of educational activities to develop professional features and qualities that describe students as Russian specialists, while involving them into critical thinking over the materials of professional content. To achieving this goal the following methods have been used: the method of analysis of theoretical principles; the method of generalizing the results of scientific research. The key statement of the given work is that critical thinking, with its certain properties and qualities, strengthens personal independence, sociality and their professional spirit, while developing these features in educational process at universities and supporting their professional development as citizenship. All these require guidelines for educational activities, performed according to the personal and professionally significant qualities that describe critical thinking in its development and the civic position as the feature of student’s personalities. The author has come to the conclusion that the use of the critical thinking method in educational activities will be effective only if educational efforts are aimed at developing students’ qualities as they are important for the manifestation of their civic consciousness (as the citizens of their native country).
Keywords: critical thinking, professional development, personal development, conscious citizenship (civic consciousness), Russian professional specialist, professional training, professional upbringing.
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For citation: Varlamova E.Yu. Critical thinking as means of professional development of students at Russian universities. CITISE, 2024, no. 4, pp. 662-670.