Ivanushkina N.V., Shchipova O.V.
Ivanushkina N.V.1 (Samara, Russian Federation) – inw38641@mail.ru; Shchipova O.V.1 (Samara, Russian Federation) – shchipova@ssau.ru
1Samara National Research University
Abstract. This article analyzes the definitions of the concept of “hybrid learning”. The features of hybrid learning in the educational process of the university are considered: activity, subjectivity of students, personification of the educational process, flexibility, simultaneous online and offline interaction of participants in the educational process. The authors noted the positive impact of visualization technology, the applied hybrid form of education on the educational process of the university. The article presents an analysis of various aspects of the organization of hybrid education in higher education, such as the specifics of the organization of interaction between teachers and students, the use of digital technologies, technical equipment of classrooms. Teachers use various digital resources in hybrid learning – online platforms, gamification, social networks, mental maps, video conferencing, online whiteboards, online presentations, online testing. The authors noted that for the successful implementation of hybrid learning, it is necessary to take into account the level of formation of digital competencies of teachers and students. The prospects of hybrid learning in the construction of an individual learning trajectory, as well as the assessment of qualifications, are noted. The article presents the results of a survey of students, the purpose of which was to study the effectiveness of the hybrid format of education at the university. It has been revealed that greater involvement of respondents is provided with a hybrid learning format, and most students also note that the hybrid form of learning contributes to a higher level of material assimilation. During the survey, it was revealed that respondents prefer hybrid and online learning formats, which are currently comfortable, flexible, accessible, interesting, and provide an opportunity to receive education in various circumstances. The authors have revealed the advantages and disadvantages of hybrid learning, identified the promising role of hybrid learning in the educational process of the university.
Keywords: hybrid learning, educational process, e-learning, digital educational technologies, distance learning, online learning, online courses, offline learning, higher education.
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For citation: Ivanushkina N.V., Shchipova O.V. Research features of the organization of hybrid education of students at the university. CITISE, 2024, no. 4, pp. 581-590.