ISSN 2409-7616

Dolgaia N.A.


UDC 37.035.6

Dolgaia N.A.1 (Makhachkala, Russian Federation) –

1Dagestan State Pedagogical University named after R.Gamzatov

Abstract. The article is devoted to the important topic of the formation of patriotic values among adolescents in the context of children’s recreation in camps. The context of the article covers the modern challenges facing the education system in Russia, where the emphasis on patriotic education is becoming especially relevant in the context of globalization and internationalization. The author highlights the importance of forming patriotic feelings among the younger generation, emphasizing that children’s camps play a significant role in this process, providing a unique environment for interaction and the formation of life values. Important details of the article are examples of successful practices from real camps that demonstrate the effectiveness of various methods and forms of patriotic education. The key idea of the article is that patriotic education should not be limited to theoretical studies, but should include active forms of work with children, such as games, contests, excursions and other collective activities aimed at developing a sense of pride in their country, its culture and history. The author notes that such events not only contribute to the formation of patriotic feelings, but also contribute to the social adaptation of adolescents, the development of their leadership qualities and communication skills. In the process of participating in such actions and events, teenagers get a unique opportunity not only to better understand their cultural identity and the values of their homeland, but also to develop the skills necessary for a successful life. The article not only describes the theoretical foundations and practical examples of patriotic education, but also offers pedagogical conditions for improving work in children’s camps for patriotic education of adolescents. These aspects make it useful for teachers, organizers of children’s recreation and anyone interested in the issues of patriotic education of the younger generation.

Keywords: patriotic education, teenagers, children’s health camp, traditions, customs, events, civic identity.

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For citation: Dolgaia N.A. Patriotic education of teenagers in a children’s health camp. CITISE, 2024, no. 4, pp. 528-539.