ISSN 2409-7616

Sattarova G.A., Suleymanova A.B., Khamidullin R.A., Zaripova L.A., Gallyamov I.I.


UDC 372.891

Sattarova G.A.1 (Ufa, Russian Federation) –; Suleymanova A.B.1 (Ufa, Russian Federation) –; Khamidullin R.A.1 (Ufa, Russian Federation) –; Zaripova L.A.1 (Ufa, Russian Federation) –; Gallyamov I.I.1 (Ufa, Russian Federation) –

1Ufa University of Science and Technology

Abstract. A special place in the teaching of geography in a modern school is occupied by recommendations on the organization of work with the map. In modern realities, a geography teacher must provide students with solid knowledge of a geographical map. The map is becoming the most important tool in teaching geography. N.N. Baransky pointed out the main advantage of a geographical map: it makes it possible, immediately when reviewing it with one glance, to see what, when described, will be stretched over a large number of pages. The map should accompany the study of geography. The scientific geographical study of any territory should begin with an acquaintance with the geographical location, borders, that is, the map helps the student to create sufficiently clear and clear ideas about the position of the territory, about the location of its parts, the ratio of these parts to each other, about the connection of the studied territory with neighboring regions. Good knowledge of the map is important for working in many sectors of the economy of our country. The entire process of teaching school geography from fifth to 11th grade should be accompanied by work on a geographical map. It is very important to understand that knowledge of the map develops the geographical thinking of the student. Each geography textbook contains text maps and cartographies. They are characterized by a strong generalization of the material, in order to facilitate the perception of the main thing, the main thing. Maps and cartographies demonstrate the principle of “scale play”. Small-scale world maps are quite often side by side with large-scale maps of districts and city plans. In the process of work, the map becomes an educational and information source for students.

Keywords: cartography, topography, conventional signs, scale, physical geography, economic geography.


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For citation: Sattarova G.A., Suleymanova A.B., Khamidullin R.A., Zaripova L.A., Gallyamov I.I. Topographic and cartographic concepts studied in the school curriculum of physical and economic geography. CITISE, 2024, no. 4, pp. 488-497.