ISSN 2409-7616

Kargapolova E.V., Teiblum M.D., Chizhova K.D., Davydova Yu.A.


Kargapolova E.V.1 (Moscow, Russian Federation) –; Teiblum M.D.1 (Moscow, Russian Federation) –; Chizhova K.D.1 (Moscow, Russian Federation) –; Davydova Yu.A.1 (Moscow, Russian Federation) –

1Plekhanov Russian University of Economics

Abstract. The relevance of studying the image of school is connected with the importance of such a social institution as the educational system for the formation of personality. The purpose of this study is to analyse the images of school in cinematography, characterising two national education systems – Russian and American. The main research method is content analysis. It turned out that the school itself is rarely shown in films about school. It is presented through the hero’s attitude towards it or the hero’s interaction with the class, teachers and administration. Focusing on the students themselves can be productive, as it touches on the problems of personal formation. But the representation of the school in the service-utilitarian function of setting the stage for the main character’s life reduces its educational potential and significance as a social institution, especially in the absence of the image of the teacher in many films. It has been noted that American images represent the educational system of a society that emphasises individualism and pragmatism. They are aimed at older teenagers and emphasise their personal achievements rather than their integration into social relations. In these films the function of reproducing the social structure and the professional function are more often realised, while in Russian films the humanistic and ideological functions are more often realised. It was noted that in the rating of popular films about school the Soviet cinema is more represented than the contemporary Russian cinema. Soviet cinema is oriented towards the representation of the educational system of society with the values of collectivism, humanistic ideals, education of the individual, rather than the function of the worker-consumer. These films show more of the educational potential of the school and the teacher as an ideal or aspiring ideal for his charges.

Keywords: cinema, school, teacher, student, education, schoolchild.


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For citation: Kargapolova E.V., Teiblum M.D., Chizhova K.D., Davydova Yu.A. The image of a school in cinema: a socio-cultural representation of the education system. CITISE, 2024, no. 4, pp. 305-314.