Gorlova N.I., Starovoitova L
Gorlova N.I.1 (Moscow, Russian Federation) – gorlovanat@yandex.ru; Starovoitova L.I.2 (Moscow, Russian Federation) – starovojtova@list.ru
1Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
2Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov
Abstract. The relevance of the article is due to the transformation of the higher professional education system in the Russian Federation. One of the significant elements of these changes has become the Mentoring Institute, which acts as an important tool to support students in their academic and professional development. The authors analyze the role of a mentor in the civic and patriotic education of students and their involvement in volunteer activities, the development of social activity. The main methods and technologies that form patriotism, citizenship, indifference and a desire to help in the student environment are shown. The article pays special attention to the theoretical foundations of patriotic education and volunteerism, defines the purpose and objectives of patriotic education and volunteerism, identifies current trends in these areas of public life. The goals of patriotic education and the volunteer movement cover a wide range of activities: from the formation of patriotic consciousness among the population, civic responsibility, love and respect for the Motherland based on common patriotic values to social support for those in need, preservation of cultural heritage, assistance to victims of disasters, protection of motherhood and childhood, etc. All this opens up a wide range of opportunities for the mentor in educational work in higher education to immerse the mentees in patriotic culture and volunteer participation.
Keywords: mentor, mentoring, personal and professional socialization, civic and patriotic education, volunteerism.
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For citation: Gorlova N.I., Starovoitova L.I. The role of mentors in the civic and patriotic education of students and their involvement in volunteer activities. CITISE, 2024, no. 4, pp. 275-289.