ISSN 2409-7616

Titova O.A., Apanasyuk L.A.


UDC 37.02:159.9

Titova O.A.1 (St. Petersburg, Russian Federation) –; Apanasyuk L.A.2 (Moscow, Russian Federation) –

1Lyceum No. 393 of the Kirovsky District of St. Petersburg

2Russian State Social University

Abstract. The problem of professional and personal growth of a specialist has always been one of the most relevant and important in psychological and pedagogical sciences. At the same time, in the course of referring to domestic and foreign literature on this topic, a variety of approaches and a certain ambiguity in understanding its essence are noted.  Despite the inextinguishable interest of the scientific and educational community in the study of problematic aspects of professional and personal development of a teacher, the issues of creating specific psychological and pedagogical conditions for professional and personal growth within an educational organization in order to prevent professional deformations remain insufficiently studied. It is important to note that both professional growth and personal growth of a specialist are two interrelated processes, because within the framework of performing work, the subject of professional activity always realizes himself as a person. Therefore, it is impossible to consider professional qualities abstractly, in isolation from the personality of the specialist. Professional development is associated with the performance of a certain professional activity, which distinguishes it from general personal development. It is determined by the content, requirements and conditions of a given professional sphere. In professional development, a person takes into account both his innate and socio-cultural characteristics, as well as the circumstances in which he carries out his professional activity. Psychologists and teachers attach great importance to the active role of the person himself in this process, since activity is considered a type of activity.

Keywords: professional and personal growth of a specialist, professional deformation of a teacher, continuing professional education.


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For citation: Titova O.A., Apanasyuk L.A. Professional and personal growth of a teacher within the framework of professional activity: review of psychological and pedagogical research. CITISE, 2024, no. 4, pp. 212-221.