ISSN 2409-7616

Uvarov V.I., Volenko O.I.


UDC 378.016:811

Uvarov V.I.1 (Moscow, Russian Federation) –; Volenko O.I.2 (Moscow, Russian Federation) –

1Lomonosov Moscow State University

2Moscow Pedagogical State University

Abstract. The article attempts to consider the actual possibilities of organizing independent work of students aimed at the formation of foreign language communicative competence. Definitions of students’ communicative competence and independent work are given, and the necessary requirements for its implementation are called. Emphasizing the importance of students’ independent work, the author names a number of resources and conditions that can increase the effectiveness of this format. The resources suitable for the independent formation of students’ communicative competence are conditionally divided into ready-made and those that the teacher creates independently. Ready-made resources are briefly characterized for their applicability to an independent work format. Based on their own professional experience, the authors pay special attention to creative projects created by the teacher based on game technology. Taking into account the personal characteristics of modern generations of students, we see the possibility of expanded application of game technology in the form of a prolonged game situation, conventionally called a “global game” (Uvarov V.I.). Giving a description of this creative project, the authors point to its strengths and weaknesses, while maintaining the conviction that this technology is absolutely consistent with the tasks of independent formation of a foreign language students’ communicative competence. In conclusion, the hope is expressed for an early change in attitudes towards the importance of teaching a foreign language at a university, as well as for rethinking the role of independent work as a full-fledged resource for the development of the educational process and its creative potential in the formation of a competent professional personality.

Keywords: independent work of students, foreign language communicative competence, efficiency, educational resources, game technology.


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For citation: Uvarov V.I., Volenko O.I. Independent work of students as a shaping tool foreign language communicative competence. CITISE, 2024, no. 4, pp.181-192.