ISSN 2409-7616

Ogoev A.U., Ambalova S.A.


UDC 371

Ogoev A.U.1 (Vladikavkaz, Russian Federation) –; Ambalova S.A.1 (Vladikavkaz, Russian Federation) –

1North Ossetian State University named after K.L. Khetagurov

Abstract. In the modern world, knowledge of conflictology is important for future teachers. It helps to understand the nature of conflicts, their structure, methods of resolution, prevention, which allows to effectively prevent conflicts in the educational environment or manage them if they do occur. Modernization of the education system is a source of conflicts in modern conditions. This process is associated with the stabilization of the educational system, solving social problems and achieving the necessary budget indicators. Conflicts in the educational system affect its functioning and development. The causes of conflicts are high labor intensity, emotional overload, stressful situations and lack of balance between formal and informal relations in the educational organization. Conflict is an opposing interaction between two parties, in the process of which one party tries to undermine the intentions and goals of the other party. The atmosphere in the educational institution is often tense. Conflicts are inevitable. They are of several types: conflicts between pupils or students; conflicts between teachers and students; conflict between teachers; conflicts between teachers and parents of students. These are the most common cases. Each of them requires a separate analysis to understand what this type of conflict is. Also, we must not forget that educational institutions include a fairly large layer of organizations. First of all, these are: schools; colleges; institutes, etc. The specifics of the conflict also largely depend on the type of educational institution. It is important to remember that if there are requirements for the child, there must be separate responsibility between the family, school and society.

Keywords: conflict, teacher, leader, educational environment, bullying, interaction, aggression, social status, anxiety, depressive state, socio-cultural development.


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For citation: Ogoev A.U., Ambalova S.A. Modern methods of identifying and resolving conflicts in an educational institution. CITISE, 2024, no. 4, pp.133-140.