Tsaplin V.M.
Tsaplin V.M.1 (Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation) – tsaplin.vitaliy@bk.ru
1South Ural State Humanitarian and Pedagogical University
Abstract. The challenges of the present time require the education system not only to transfer knowledge to students, but also to develop in them complex skills to make the right decisions in a rapidly changing world. Therefore, it is especially important that the skills acquired are not a set of memorized templates from a textbook, but the ability to analyze the surrounding reality and, based on previously acquired skills, find the right solutions in a complex environment, a culture of searching for solutions that the student has not encountered before. Studying the problem of educating a culture of cybersecurity is a current area of research in modern pedagogy and has previously been poorly covered in scientific research. The article defines the key concepts necessary for research, the problems of instilling a culture of cybersecurity among cadets of military universities. When developing the problem of educating a culture of cybersecurity among cadets of military universities, its conceptual apparatus was formed, based on scientific articles. This conceptual field is of methodological value, interprets the terms used in the study, their relationships in accordance with the general idea, and allows, based on the research of other authors, to define key concepts. Definitions are given to all general and specific groups of concepts used in the study. Based on other scientific studies, a comparison of the key concepts of “upbringing” and “formation” was made, and the term most suitable for further research was selected. The main structural components of cultural education are considered, and the most significant ones are noted. The generated definitions of terms can be used to create thematic blocks of training courses devoted to the problems of developing a cybersecurity culture for students.
Keywords: cybersecurity culture, cultural education, cadets of military universities.
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For citation: Tsaplin V.M. Conceptual apparatus of the problem of education of cyber security culture in military university cadets. CITISE, 2024, no. 4, pp.111-124.